medieval music band Iberolibero

Erika Fujisawa Erika Fujisawa
Song vocal
She sings Western religious songs, secular songs, traditional songs, folk songs, and popular songs with a clear, lustrous and relaxed voice. As an early music singer, he has a repertoire of Spanish, Italian, British, and Sephardic (Spanish-Jewish) songs from before the 17th century (from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance to the early Baroque period), and conveys their appeal. Participated in numerous CD recordings, baroque operas, and early music festivals. In recent years, she has also appeared in restaurants and concerts as a singer (fadista) of the folk song "Fado" in Lisbon, Portugal, and has expanded her repertoire and performance venues while studying, such as singing in Lisbon.

Takuya Morikawa
Medieval Fiddle Medieval fiddle
After graduating from Waseda University, studied at Berklee College of Music. He is active mainly in performance activities in various genres, mainly flamenco, jazz, folk music, and improvisational performances, composing and arranging, music director of dance performances, and music for video works. Works with; New National Ballet, Kazuhiro Nishijima, Tokuho Azuma II, Shoji Kojima, siroco, Okayama Arts Festival dance works and many others. In charge of the soundtrack for the NHK program "Recipe of Life". BS TV Tokyo Program Music Crossroads Arrangement, TV Asahi "Sekai no Kaido" Music, BS TV Asahi "Jinsei, Uta Aru" Arrangement. In 2019, published an arrangement collection "Violin Duo Concert Repertoires" (YAMAHA Music).

Masatomo Tomikawa Masatomo Tomikawa
Gitern & Guitar Guitar & Guitar
After graduating from Sophia University, dpartment of Spanish Studies, studied in Spain for 4 years. Studied under masters José Luis González and Alex Garobee. After returning to Japan, he actively performs. The CDs "Platero and me" and "You and me" have been highly acclaimed, including being selected as a special edition of the record art magazine that conveys the unknown historical aspect of Spanish guitar music. His books "Classical Guitar Textbook" and "Classical Guitar Workout Book" (YAMAHA) are both best-sellers, and he has cultivated excellent disciples as a teacher. Lecturer at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music. (Public corporation) Representative director of the Japan Guitar Federation.

Junzo Tateiwa
Percussion Percussion
While playing classical music and trad from the country of origin, such as Darbuka/Tongbak from the Middle East, Indian tabla, various frame drums, etc., he explores the possibilities of early music, rock/pops, jazz, various dances and and live performances. He is approaching a wide range of genres such as collaboration with paint. He also uses his skills to compose and produce data for synthesizer demos for the Middle East and India, as well as music production for iOS apps. Released the first percussion solo DVD in August 2016. In recent years, he has also been in charge of percussion in the baroque operas by Monteverdi and Rameau.